Personal Numerologist
Numerology Forecast Report
Yearly Report $49.95 $24.95 |
- Affordable Yearly Report module prints easy to read Numerology Forecast Reports that show the important yearly opportunities and influences that affect you, your family and friends.
- Based on our professional report writing program and Matthew Oliver Goodwin’s 1991 The Original Numerology Annual.
- Easy to use—no knowledge of numerology required.
- Additional features common to all modules.
- Differences between Personal Numerologist and Professional Numerologist.
- Why People Think So Highly of our Yearly Reports.
- Double Risk-Free Guarantee.
The Yearly Report from Personal Numerologist provides an inexpensive and fun way for you and your family to understand the important yearly influences that affect you at any given time in your life. Each Yearly Report covers the two most important yearly influences—the Personal Year and Essence. In addition, monthly highlights are provided.
Personal Numerologist is based on our award winning program, Professional Numerologist, and was written by Matthew Goodwin, author of Numerology: The Complete Guide. Personal Numerologist uses the same synthesized techniques as used by its professional counterpart to produce flowing, well-written text that describes the yearly influences in great detail. Reports average 6 pages and can be sent to either the printer or the screen. Whereas Professional Numerologist is intended for professionals and chart businesses, Personal Numerologist is ideal for personal use with friends and family. In fact, this program provides a great way to learn more about numerology.
Personal Numerologist allows data for up to 2 people to be entered at one time. The resulting reports can then be displayed to the screen (each report in its own window) or to any printer connected to your system. The program can also automatically capitalize the first letter of each name, if you so choose. And special support for foreign languages that use double character letters, such as Spanish, is included.
Essence | The Essence describes the most likely events to occur during the year. These events relate to the individual’s personal and professional life, use of the talents, personal relationships, travel and health. Karmic Debts, when present, are included. Karmic Debts are particularly important and often indicate a more challenging period that the individual must go through. |
Personal Year | The Personal Year describes the yearly approach to events likely to produce the most growth and development. By following this approach, the individual is best able to take advantage of the opportunities that occur, as well as to avoid or minimize the difficulties likely to be encountered. By knowing the probable events that will happen as described by the Essence and the preferred approach to those events from the Personal Year, a person can get the most out of their important life experiences. |
At any time you can upgrade from Personal Numerologist to Professional Numerologist if your needs change. Just pay the difference between the current price for Professional Numerologist and what you paid for the same module(s) in Personal Numerologist.