Comparison of
Personal and Professional Numerologist
Personal Numerologist is a low cost, scaled down version of Professional Numerologist, intended for use with family and friends. Though both programs consist of the same 4 separately purchasable modules—Numerology Report, Relationship Report, Yearly Report and Numerologist Chart—Personal Numerologist contains less features and produces shorter reports—with not as many sections—as compared to Professional Numerologist. Also, the copyrighted reports from Personal Numerologist can not be sold. Professional Numerologist, on the other hand, is a more expanded and robust program then Personal Numerologist and includes the right to sell the reports as well as a free, professionally designed Sales Flyer and Order Form—valued at over $2,000—to help you promote and sell the reports. Professional Numerologist is intended for professional numerologists and astrologers, those wanting to sell reports to make money, or anyone who desires a more thorough and complete analysis then Personal Numerologist provides.
If you start out with Personal Numerologist, you can upgrade to Professional Numerologist at any time. You just pay the difference between the current price for Professional Numerologist and what you paid for the same module(s) in Personal Numerologist.
The following table provides a summary of the differences between Personal Numerologist and Professional Numerologist. A more detailed list of features and capabilities that are unique to Professional Numerologist follows this comparison table.
Comparison of Personal Numerologist and Professional Numerologist
Description of Features |
Personal |
Professional |
Available modules are: Numerology Report, Relationship Report, Yearly Report and Numerologist Chart |
Reports written by Matthew Oliver Goodwin, author of Numerology: The Complete Guide |
Report calculations use advanced numerical techniques developed by Goodwin |
Intended for personal use |
Intended for professional or business use |
Maximum number of people data can be entered for at one time |
2 |
20 |
Maximum number of reports and charts that can be processed at one time |
7 |
70 |
Batches of reports can be sent to the Screen or Printer at one time |
Batches of reports can be saved to individual files in Microsoft Word compatible format, with intelligent file names automatically assigned |
User can select how Y's and W's are treated |
License includes the right to sell the copyrighted reports |
Report Cover page included, with 6 lines for your name and address, etc. |
Chart Summary page included, showing all numbers used in report |
All entered names and birth dates can be viewed in a single list for easy verification and editing |
Provides complete control of font and paragraph formatting for the 8 different parts of a report |
Allows for direct editing of individual reports and charts before printing with a built-in mini word processor |
Number of Toolbar buttons for fast access of program features |
7 |
16 |
Page length of Numerology Report |
5-8 |
12-16 |
Page length of Relationship Report |
6-8 |
14-18 |
Page length of Yearly Report |
5-6 |
11-16 |
Page length of Numerologist Chart |
3 |
3 |
Numerologist Chart supports Matthew Goodwin’s system |
Numerologist Chart supports Juno Jordan's system |
Numerologist Chart supports Pythagorean numbering system |
Numerologist Chart supports Chaldean numbering system |
Detailed List of Features Unique to Professional Numerologist
The following lists describe features that are unique to Professional Numerologist and consist of Overall Improvements, All Reports, Numerology Report, Relationship Report, Yearly Report and Numerologist Chart.
Overall Improvements
- 6 lines of text for your name and address can be entered that appear at the bottom of each report cover page.
- The letters Y or W can be made vowels or consonants—either automatically or manually.
- Data for up to 20 people (instead of 2) can be entered .
- Reports have 3 options (instead of 1) that determine what is included in each report and its length.
- Reports also have a Chart option that allows you to print just a chart summary page of all the numbers used in the report, in addition to the report itself. This is very handy to have if you are doing a reading for a client.
- Numerologist Chart has 2 options: Full Chart and Summary Chart. The Summary Chart consists of just the first page of the 3 page chart.
- Data Entry for New Reports dialog has a List button which displays the name and birth date information for all the people you enter. This allows you to quickly review and edit any typing errors you find.
- Data Entry for New Reports dialog contains First and Last record buttons in addition to the Next and Previous buttons, making it easier to review the entered data.
- The Forecast Data section of the Data Entry for New Reports dialog includes the Month to Begin and Number of Months fields for the Yearly Report, allowing this report to start on any month and year and to continue for 1 month to almost 9 years.
- Reports and Charts can be automatically or manually saved to a file for attaching to emails or editing in Microsoft Word and any other word processor that supports the widely used Rich Text Format (rtf). Automatically generated long file names consist of the report title and the client’s name. File names can also be manually entered.
- Complete control of font and paragraph formatting for the 8 different sections of the report are supported. These 8 sections consist of: Cover Title, Cover Subtitle, Cover Text, Heading, Subheading, Body Text, Report Chart Text and Footer.
- Font name, size, bold and italic attributes and color are supported for each of the above 8 format styles. Left, right, center and justified paragraphs are supported as well for the Heading, Subheading and Body Text styles.
- Control of the font size, bold and italic attributes and color are support for the text in Numerologist Chart.
- Reports and charts can be edited directly within Professional Numerologist. Format styles, which you define, can easily be applied to make any typed or inserted text match the rest of the report.
- Complete editing capabilities are included—one level of undo, cut, copy, paste, inserting files, find and replace functions, and inserting of page breaks.
- Toolbar contains additional useful buttons.
All Reports
- A professional looking cover page is included showing your name and address at the bottom of the page.
- A chart summary page follows the cover page, showing all the numbers used in the report.
- The footer on each page contains the name of the report, as well as the full name of the person it is for, in addition to the page number.
- The letters Y or W can be made vowels or consonants—either automatically or manually.
Numerology Report
- Reports run 12-16 pages, instead of 5-8 pages in length.
- Maturity Number is included which describes an important lesson learned later in life that will bring increased understanding of one’s purpose.
- Challenge is included which describes an obstacle encountered early in life that once overcome can add new dimension to one’s life.
- Current Name Energies are included which describes new or increased influences from a name change and how it impacts the life.
- Personal Year is included which describes strong influences and opportunities that affect a person each year.
- Life Path Period is included, a long term cycle that describes the general influences affecting a person.
- Pinnacle is included which describes a second cycle that describes additional general influences affecting a person.
- Introduction section is expanded.
Relationship Report
- Reports run 14-18 pages, instead of 6-8 pages in length.
- First Impressions is included which gives an overview of your general personality characteristics; who you each are at a glance.
- Your Relations With Parents, Children and Other Relatives is included which describes how you express yourselves and manage when it comes to your children, parents and relatives; how to best share these important responsibilities within the relationship.
- Your Ability To Communicate is included which describes the characteristic way you discuss important matters with each other and how to make your communications clearer and more mutually beneficial.
- Your Approach To Material Affairs is included which describes how pragmatic and adaptable you each are when it comes to dealing with everyday life.
- A special section that shows the influences of the current year and how this affects both people—as individuals and as a couple is included. This section shows what each person needs and how each can be most supportive of the other throughout the year.
- What You Can Both Expect From This Relationship section is expanded.
Yearly Report
- Reports run 11-16 pages, instead of 5-6 pages in length, for a one year report.
- Starting month and year for the forecast can be entered, and the period covered can be as short as 1 month and as long as almost 9 years.
- Personal Months are included which is a short term cycle that describes the approach to events likely to produce the most growth and development for each month. By using the described approach, the individual can be in a better position to take advantage of the events and opportunities presented and can avoid or minimize the difficulties likely to be encountered.
- Personal Days, a daily cycle that is most useful in determining the best time to take action, are included. Knowing when to act can help one to take best advantage of the opportunities presented, as well as to avoid the difficulties that can result by poor timing. Personal Days are used to provide the key dates in the Personal Month sections.
- An End of the Year section is included providing a recap of the most important influences to keep in mind as the year draws to a close.
Numerologist Chart
- Systems of numerology supported include Juno Jordan and a Universal approach, in addition to Matthew Goodwin.
- Chaldean numbering system is supported, in addition to the Pythagorean system. The numbers 1-9 can also be individually assigned to each of the 26 letters of the alphabet to create a custom numbering system.
- The names used for the six core elements of the chart can be changed to reflect the numerological system you currently work with.
- The number of pinnacles used can be set to either 4, or 5 or more.
- The progressions can be set to start at either age 0 or 1.
- The letters Y or W can be made vowels or consonants—either automatically or manually.