Personal Numerologist
Numerology Chart Calculator
Numerologist Chart $69.95 $34.95 * |
- The Numerologist Chart module is an easy to use Numerology Calculator for creating Numerology Charts based on the Pythagorean Numerology System.
- Calculations are done fast, allowing you to focus on the interpretations.
- Supports Matthew Oliver Goodwin's system of numerology.
- Complete numerology chart covers the Personality and Progressed portions of the reading.
- Calculations are more accurate then if done by hand, eliminating errors.
- Additional features common to all modules.
- Differences between Personal Numerologist and
Professional Numerologist.
- Double Risk-Free Guarantee.
The Numerologist Chart from Personal Numerologist provides an inexpensive, yet accurate way for you to calculate all the numbers required to do an in-depth reading based on Matthew Goodwin’s system of numerology. Page one gives the natal numbers, the points of intensification, the planes of expression and the overall cycles, pinnacles and challenges. Optional pages two and three contain the progressions: nine key numbers governing every year from birth to age 91. Each chart gives you 1065 important numbers you’d otherwise have to hand calculate.
Personal Numerologist is based on our award winning program, Professional Numerologist and is ideal for someone just learning numerology based on Matthew Goodwin’s highly acclaimed book, Numerology: The Complete Guide. Personal Numerologist allows data for up to 2 people to be entered at a time. The resulting charts can then be displayed to the screen (each chart in its own window) or to any printer connected to your system. The program can also automatically capitalize the first letter of each name, if you so choose. And special support for foreign languages that use double character letters, such as Spanish, is included.
At any time you can upgrade from Personal Numerologist to Professional Numerologist if your needs change. Just pay the difference between the current price for Professional Numerologist and what you paid for the same module(s) in Personal Numerologist.
* Numerologist Chart from Personal Numerologist is $34.95 if all 3 report modules are purchased at same time, otherwise price is $69.95.