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Sample Report from Personal Numerologist

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Numerology Report

Thomas Cruise Mapother

July 3, 1962





This report is designed to give you new insights into your character and personality from a perspective considerably different from that which most people use. The descriptions in this report are based on the ancient science of numerology.

The report discusses:

The lessons you are learning in this life, your deep inner desires and how to fulfill them, your talents and personality traits and how to make the best use of them, the environment in which you work best, your attitude toward work, and your ways of relating to other people.

The report can also guide you in identifying existing opportunities and opening the way to new and even more favorable possibilities. It's up to you, though, to use the information here, along with your free will, to determine the road on which you want to journey and the distance you wish to travel. No matter your age, the roads are open when you are ready to explore.

Some talents and characteristics surface at different times in your life. Occasionally, a characteristic described in this report has been present in an earlier part of your life and is not of current importance. Sometimes, a talent mentioned here is present although you may not be fully aware of it. If this is the case, check with a friend who knows you well and you may be pleasantly surprised. A few characteristics may not have appeared in your life as yet although they're described in this report. The description of these undeveloped potentials may serve to open your consciousness to new and exciting possibilities.


There are several different sides to your character, but you're primarily a person with very strong practical energy. You probably work well at material, down-to-earth activities, very often in the business world-unless you're one of the few people with this kind of energy who have to first learn to break free of their dependence before they can operate comfortably in the material world. To a considerable extent, you are likely to be a rational and pragmatic individual with very strong needs. Because you want to satisfy your strong ambitions and material desires, your early years are likely to be spent working to satisfy those needs and learning, too, to free yourself from the troublesome situations precipitated by your limited concern for others. Much of your youth and young adulthood will probably be spent learning to recognize others' needs and learning, too, to modify your all too obvious rigid or stubborn streak.

If there are any strong differences between your practical material energy and the other less insistent aspects of your energy described below, the practical and material characteristics tend to be expressed. Some people find it easier to ignore the other aspects entirely, particularly during their younger years.


Your 1 Life Path And 4 Expression

You were born with strong leadership potential. As you develop this ability, you may be able to assume a significant position in the business or political world. One of your major lessons in life is to learn the benefits of being independent. You must first learn to stand comfortably on your own two feet without leaning on other people. After that, you can advance yourself by using your ability for organizing, leading and managing. Some people spend much of their lives on the first part of the lesson. Others learn that part quickly and devote most of their lives to important leadership roles.

You have a natural potential to work long, hard and patiently. If there's a job to be done requiring a good deal of time, much difficult work and careful attention to detail, you can probably do it well. Others will recognize this ability and turn to you for help with complex tasks on tight deadlines. With your orderly nature, you may choose a line of work in which your systematic approach can be developed. You would probably work well in any place where care with details is important. You're likely to be good at establishing new routines and maintaining existing ones.

Others usually see your strong character and inner strength as well as your logical, down-to-earth viewpoint and self-disciplined manner. Much of the time, they're willing to trust your judgment and follow as you initiate and control activities. You have a good mind and can find and develop creative solutions to problems, sometimes with a striking original flair. You can easily convince other people that your course of action is the correct one for a particular situation. You use your innate understanding of people and your clever analytical approach to make your points. You also have a tendency to dominate others and this may cause problems.

Other people appreciate your special ability to produce order where little or none has existed. Your patient, dependable and persevering ways add to your managerial ability. You know how to convert an abstract idea into a practical, down-to-earth working format. Although you can handle abstractions, you generally prefer to work with material matters. Your honesty and sincerity make it easy for people to place their trust in you.

You are usually systematic and organized, but you may have to learn to use this important characteristic in a balanced way. Some people who would benefit by being systematic seem to have little interest in the matter and tend to be unusually disorganized. If you're like many people with a concern for organization, though, you probably have to be careful not to lose sight of the bigger picture because of your desire to keep things extremely orderly or because of your excessive concern with details. At times, you probably feel like you're in a rut, giving considerable effort without a sense of accomplishment.

When you feel limited or restricted, whatever the cause, it's likely to be a source of considerable frustration or resentment. When this happens, see if you are causing the limitations that you experience rather than assuming that they are caused by someone or something else. In many instances, you're likely to discover that the restrictions you feel are of your own making and can be lightened or removed. The strong likes and dislikes you often express may sometimes produce the very limitations which upset you. Your extremely strong expression of right and wrong-and the feelings you often have that your way is the right way or the only way-may also produce a sense of restriction.

Some people with a need to be independent spend part of their lives breaking free of the dependence they often feel in their younger years. Along with that strong need for independence, you usually have an innate desire to accomplish, to win recognition and to attain money and material possessions. You also want to exert your personal power. At times, you want to express your individuality, but you may occasionally have to work to keep within reasonable limits.

A lot of the time, you have pressing needs to be satisfied and can't rest until you've taken care of them. You often act without consulting others because you're convinced that your approach is the correct or only way. Even when your approach is a good one, others may often be irritated because you haven't taken them into account. As a matter of fact, much of the time you probably have difficulty seeing other people's point of view. By and large, you prefer to do things your own way, and you may have to learn to consult your associates before you act.

Much of the time, you prefer a stable, well-regulated life tending to solid traditional values. More often than you would prefer, though, you're likely to cause problems with your stubbornness, rigidity or one-track view. You have to learn to distinguish situations where you're helping yourself by standing firm with the courage of your convictions from situations where you're running into difficulties because of your fixed approach. When you're self-centered or selfish, you're probably working against your own best interests. When you're impatient or bossy, you may trip yourself up.

Your 19/1 Karmic Debt

You probably have considerable work to do to be able to see yourself and your needs realistically. If you're too immersed in your own concerns, you may run into problems because of your inability to recognize others' needs. You may have to learn to look past your own interests in order to become more aware of other people. If you're egotistical or aggressive, it will only add to the difficulties.

If, on the other hand, your needs are fulfilled primarily by submissively depending on others, you have to find the strength to break free from this dependence and learn to act on your own. You'll find little comfort in blaming your environment or other people for your inability to stand on your own two feet. If you're lazy or fearful, your problems in this area will require additional effort.

Many-possibly most-of the obstacles in your path are likely to be the result of your short-sighted appraisal of your needs. When you learn to observe your environment more clearly, you'll be able to use that environment to your advantage instead of being tripped up by it.


Your 9 Soul Urge

Along with the organizational and managerial side that is such a major part of your character, there's another side which also contributes to your general makeup although it has a considerably smaller influence. When some of these lesser traits conflict with the business-oriented side of your personality, you usually defer to the latter.

With your love for your fellow man, you enjoy people as individuals and also show your concern for humanity in general. With your desire to give as selflessly as you can, possibly with little thought of reward or return, you want a close involvement with family and friends. It wouldn't be surprising if you looked for a career in which humanitarian values and philanthropic endeavors were strongly emphasized.

There's a compassionate and tolerant side of you which occasionally shows itself. At these times, you show a good understanding of others' feelings. You may also be aware of your own feelings and, when you care to, can fully express them. You have an intuitive understanding of life which serves you well when you choose to use it.

You can express your love and generosity with considerable depth and passion but this probably isn't your usual style. When this intensity does occur, it may take others by surprise and may sometimes be uncomfortable for them to handle. At times, you may give generously of your time, energy and even material resources with little thought of compensation. You may find considerable satisfaction in your occasional altruism. When that altruism conflicts with your personal ambitions or materialistic goals, as it's often likely to do, you may find it easier to disregard your giving impulses.

Although there's an adaptable side to your nature, it probably shows itself only on occasion. You may choose to give to others from time to time by expressing yourself in painting, sculpture, music or other artistic ventures.


Your 3 Birthday

Your considerate and emotional side is an important part of your character. There's another side, too, but it appears to be of much lesser influence.

When you want to, you can express your joy in living by socializing, either with many friends in varied activities or in the company of a few intimates engaged in quiet diversions. You probably also express yourself in some form of creative activity.

There's a charming and gracious side of you which is most likely to be displayed when you're comfortable with close friends. At times when you feel particularly uncomfortable, though, you can be critical, oversensitive or moody. You have a good imagination and may enjoy creative pursuits. You probably possess good verbal ability and it wouldn't be surprising if you sometimes involve yourself in activities related to words. You may have some singing or acting talent, or you may enjoy writing or lecturing. You're probably a good conversationalist when you care to show that side of yourself.

You can be reasonably adaptable when you want to be. There's a good chance that you have many interests and move easily from one activity to another. Some of the time, you're likely to scatter your energies among your varied interests in whimsical or careless ways which keep you from accomplishing what you want. It may be helpful to learn to limit your interests or to curtail some of your frivolous or superficial activities so as to achieve more of your desired goals.


There's a great deal of power in the strong, vital and dynamic kind of person you are likely to be now or are working to become. Others usually recognize and appreciate your leadership, your hardworking nature and your considerable business talents. As you get older, there's a good chance that you find a comfortable balance between your own strong needs and the needs of others.

When you comfortably integrate the other energies described in previous sections with your practical and material energy, you'll probably experience richer and more rewarding experiences. As you mature, you are probably able to move away from the domineering-or dependent-approach of your younger years. You can develop into a strong, adaptable leader capable of accomplishing your own material goals while also demonstrating your interest in others.

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